Parasites Infections and Malnutrition

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Millions of people all over the world are infected by parasites. The majority of them do not know about this health issue because it often goes without any disturbing symptoms. This leads to even higher numbers of contamination and makes the danger more pronounced. Here we are going to discuss the link between parasites and malnutrition.

Understanding Parasites

When we talk about parasites, we mean that some organism utilizes the body of the other as a host. Thus, different worms, single-cell organisms or insects may enter the human body and live on its resources. Such a situation over time brings a lot of damage to the host, even if at the beginning he does not feel it.

Moreover, the longer a parasite lives inside the host, the worse the condition of the latter. Malnutrition is one of the consequences of such cohabitation.

How parasites affect the human body

Parasites utilize the inner resources of the host to live, develop and reproduce. Through time their quantity in the body of the host increases leading to different unpleasant symptoms and diseases. First of all, parasites rob the body of valuable nutrients and this becomes one of the health issues that lead to other diseases.

Common parasitic diseases and their symptoms

There are three groups of common parasites in humans:

  1. Helminths or worms live in the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Ectoparasites (insects and arthropods) live on the skin.
  3. Protozoa or small single-cell parasites attack the body and cause malaria, toxoplasmosis, trichomoniasis, amebiasis, etc.

Their presence is usually associated with the next symptoms:

  • digestive issues;
  • changes in body weight;
  • constant fatigue;
  • skin problems;
  • muscle or joint pain;
  • anemia and similar diseases;
  • anxiety and sharp mood swings.

As the symptoms are not very specific, patients often misinterpret or even ignore them.

Understanding Malnutrition

As we are what we eat, nutrition is crucial for good health. However, this area of life is often associated with numerous problems and challenges.

Causes of malnutrition

The main reasons for malnutrition are as follows:

  • unbalanced quantity of nutrients in everyday food;
  • problems with digestion and absorption;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal system;
  • presence of different types of parasites;
  • mental health issues;
  • social problems.

These reasons are often combined and malnutrition can become a cause of some of them also.


When a person does not get enough nutrients from food or they are not absorbed in the body, we talk about undernutrition. This condition also accompanies the presence of different parasites, as the latter takes away the important compounds for themselves and disturb the digestive processes.


At the same time, modern humanity suffers from overnutrition. That is because of easy access to high-calorie food in many countries. This leads to obesity and disturbance of metabolic processes and sometimes parasitic invasions may also follow and accompany this condition.

Link Between Parasites and Malnutrition

The main problem with parasites is the fact that they rob the body of important nutrients. Let’s delve into more details.

How parasites contribute to malnutrition

Parasites influence the host in several ways. They become a part of the living organism but they pursue their own interests and take all they need from the host. In addition, their vital activity also negatively affects the normal work of the body and the metabolic processes.

Nutrient absorption issues

On the one hand, parasites absorb valuable vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. This is especially true for helminths that live in the intestines. On the other hand, they disturb the normal absorbance of these compounds. Thus, undernutrition becomes inevitable over time.

Appetite suppression

Some of the parasites change the metabolic processes in such a way that they suppress the normal appetite. Therefore, the host gets fewer nutrients than he requires.

Energy expenditure in immune response

In addition, the body usually activates an inflammatory response and the immune system to cope with the alien. These processes also require additional energy and involve some part of vital nutrients.

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How malnutrition affects susceptibility to parasitic infections

Furthermore, there is another dimension to this problem. When the person has a healthy and balanced diet, the immune system is strong enough to respond to different issues, kill aliens and protect the body.

That is why malnutrition can occur first and then it becomes easier for parasites to penetrate the protective barriers and crawl inside the body. Therefore, it is important to treat malnutrition and keep track of a healthy diet.

Prevention and control of parasitic infections

One more important dimension lies in the prevention of thespreading of parasitic diseases. For this, the following is important:

  • following hygiene and sanitation rules;
  • spreading knowledge about parasitic diseases, their diagnostics and treatment;
  • early diagnostics and special programs for developing countries;
  • medical treatment of all the affected people.

Nutrition improvement strategies

At the same time, people should be careful with nutrition issues, namely:

  • provide nutrition education for everyone;
  • diversify the diet and learn how to keep it balanced;
  • use a variety of supplements;
  • regularly check the values of important nutrients to restore their lack at once.


It may seem that it is not so easy to stick to a healthy diet. However, nowadays we have all the required knowledge and the ability to create a proper lifestyle for ourselves. This is an important step towards healthier and happier life without parasites and other health issues.


Can intestinal parasites cause malnutrition?

Yes, the longer they live in the body, the more valuable nutrients they stole from the host. The undernutrition that occurs leads to other health issues.

How do parasites affect nutrition?

They utilize all the nutrients that come to the body of the host for their living and development. Therefore, undernutrition occurs over time.

What nutrients do parasites deplete?

Most of all, they take vitamins and microelements. In addition, they may badly affect digestion and prevent the absorption of other valuable compounds.

Can parasites cause a protein deficiency?

Some helminths can cause such a problem. They disturb the absorption of proteins in the intestine that leads to deficiency.

Jack Carter

Jack Carter, a dedicated expert in holistic health and wellness. With a focus on proper nutrition and natural approaches to health, Jack provides valuable insights to help you make informed choices for a healthier lifestyle.