Penis Enlarge Foods

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Have you ever wondered what is an average penis size or how one can enlarge it? Actually, this issue may be quite pressing as popular culture often promotes the importance of the length and girth of the penis. If you are interested in the topic, it’s high time to learn more about it. Here we unveil myths about penis enlargement foods.

What Determines Penis Size

The key role in the determination of the physical appearance and parameters of any person plays genetics. Thus, all the future characteristics of an adult male have their foundation already in the womb. Of course, nowadays we can change a lot in our appearance with the help of modern medicine.

Still, talking about the penis, its size may be affected by:

  • hormones that are produced by the body of a woman during pregnancy. If their quantity was not sufficient, this may lead to a lower response to testosterone during puberty and influence penis size;
  • nutrition is highly important both during pregnancy and puberty. Our bodies need to get enough external nutrients to build up tissues and organs. Malnutrition and lack of vitamins may have a bad impact on the development of the reproductive system;
  • environmental issues and dangerous chemicals may hinder the development of the fetus as well as a teenager.

Altogether, there is a direct influence of the genes but it may be hindered by the outer factors listed above.

What is Average Penis Size?

Usually, the penis starts to enlarge at 9-14 years and this process continues up to the 20s. During this period of puberty, the length and girth of the organ increase. This process stops naturally.

As for the average size, the data is different and varies from 5 to 6 inches or from 13 to 16 cm. These numbers are given to describe a flaccid organ, which means that during erection it gets much bigger.

However, there are no normal values in the evaluation of penis size. This characteristic is individual and rarely correlates with the quality of sexual life or satisfaction of the partner. If you are worried about these issues, consult a physician. The main point is to be sexually healthy and active and the size actually does not matter a lot.

Nutrition for Penis Enlargement

A proper balanced diet is good for overall health and for the reproductive system also. While there is no direct evidence that some food products may make the penis bigger, they have a positive effect on s sexual health, contribute to longer and stronger erections and improve libido. This becomes possible due to the ingredients these foods contain.


Different vitamins are highly important for sexual activity as they participate in the production of hormones and help to maintain overall health.

For instance, fat-soluble vitamins like D and A are needed for the production of male hormones. And water-soluble vitamins E and C play a key role as antioxidants that protect the cells and tissues from free radicals and damage.


There is scientific evidence of the connection between the concentration of zinc and selenium and men’s health. These minerals participate in testosterone production. That is why their lack may lead to hormonal misbalance and certain issues of the reproductive system.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

These compounds may be found both in foods and supplements and they are required for many processes in the body, such as the brain work, the building up of various cells and the creation of hormones. No wonder they are so important for males and are always recommended for improving or maintaining sexual health.


Antioxidants include vitamins that were mentioned above and other similar compounds. They inactivate free radicals that bring damage to the cells and tissues and speed up the aging process. As many sexual issues occur due to the latter, antioxidants are also considered helpful agents for men’s health.

Pennies Enlarge Foods

Now let’s discover what exactly one can add to a daily diet to become stronger and healthier in intimate questions. There is no direct evidence that some of these foods can actually help the penis grow. However, they are all beneficial for the reproductive system and sexual performance.

Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits are one of the best sources of vitamin C. This small water-soluble compound is a powerful antioxidant that has protective and anti-aging properties. Therefore, consuming fresh fruits every day provides a sufficient quantity of this vitamin to stay healthy and active and maintain high sexual activity.

Spinach and kale

Vegetables like kale and spinach provide our bodies with folate, vitamins A, C, K, B6 and E. They are also rich in iron, zinc and other microelements. These nutrients are not produced internally so we should consume their proper quantities to stay healthy. For instance, folate is a crucial regulator of the reproductive system. Thus, do not hesitate to boil a bit of kale or spinach and add them to a salad.

Chicken and turkey

Proteins and zinc are more than important for men’s health, penile functioning and size. Proteins are required to build up semen, while zinc is necessary for testosterone production. Both these components may be found in chicken and turkey. In addition, these types of meat do not contain harmful fats, so they are not dangerous for the cardiovascular system.


Penile performance may be increased with the help of fish like salmon that is full of omega-3 fatty acids and does not contain mercury. This tasty fish not only contributes to reproductive health but also promotes brainwork and protects the heart and blood vessels from various diseases.


These nuts are one of the best sources of vitamin E that takes an active part in the reproductive system’s functioning. They also reduce blood pressure and sugar levels and lower cholesterol concentration. Benefits for the heart and blood vessels also have a good impact on the penis. Thus, a handful of almonds is a good way to be as hard as stone whenever you wish.

Pumpkin seeds

These seeds contain high amounts of zinc, iron, vitamin B6, phosphorus and magnesium. In addition, they are a source of valuable proteins. That is exactly the chemical base required for the production of male hormones and the proper functioning of the reproductive system. There is scarce evidence of their influence on the penis size. Still, overall sexual health will become better with their help.


Garlic boosts not only the immune system but also the sex drive, contributes to the quality of sperm and increases the physical activity of men. It is full of unique sulfur-contained biologically active compounds together with phenolic compounds and sugars. Thus, garlic is quite specific and a good helper for penile performance.


Ginseng is a powerful aphrodisiac with an ancient history of utilization. It is known to be able to enhance libido, improve penile performance and make erection stronger and longer. Even modern science is interested in this plant and numerous investigations have proven its efficiency in this area. Maybe ginseng will not make a penis bigger but it’ll improve confidence and contribute to satisfaction in the bed.


These super fruits are well-known sources of healthy fats, folate, potassium and fiber. People who consume them contribute to the protection of heart and blood vessels. The latter plays a key role in arousal and penile performance. This may also influence the penis’s girth. That is why avocados are recommended for men who would like to stay active and hard whenever it is needed.


Natural honey is packed with useful nutrients that treat sexual disorders, boost immunity and have healing and protective properties. There are vitamins and minerals in their composition that participate in testosterone production. In addition, one can eat it raw or add to a cup of tea or milk. Thus, it is easy to add honey to an everyday diet.

Lifestyle Advices

In addition to the foods listed above, it is crucial to lead a healthy lifestyle and take care of overall health not only sexual. They are closely linked to each other, so when you feel strong and active, this is usually true for all spheres of life, including intimacy.

Exercise and Weight Management

Do not neglect regular exercising and control of the weight. Without it, the risks of hypertension and diabetes grow. Subsequently, sexual activity and health suffer.

Thus, one can go to the gym or select jogging, cycling, swimming, yoga, etc. Any type of exercise is good when it is regular and does not bring you stress.

Stress management

Regular stress is the thing that can spoil our lives and especially their part related to sex. Sexual arousal starts in the brain and its proper activity is crucial for an erection.

Therefore, if you experience a lot of stress try to reduce its influence through mindfulness practices like meditation and breathing techniques or talk to the psychologist.

Natural supplements and herbs

Among herbs, ginseng, maca and ginkgo biloba are known as powerful aphrodisiacs that support men’s health, keep staying hard as long as you wish and enjoy each intercourse. These herbs are often used in various supplements, both single and multi-component. Still, there is only s scarce evidence of their possible influence on penis size.


For now, there is no such magical pill that will help your penis grow. However, such basic medicines for ED treatment as Cialis, Viagra or Levitra can be beneficial for this purpose. Especially, Cialis that is taken as a daily remedy may have a good effect on the activity of the penis and resolve your worries about its size.


In a nutshell, one cannot expect to get a bigger penis just after eating some food product. Still, a healthy well-balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals is recommended for every man who wishes to stay sexually active for a long time. And maybe these foods will also have an impact on the penis.


Is there anything to enlarge Pennis size?

There is no direct natural way to do this. Still, longer and stronger erections may be achieved through a healthy diet, certain supplements and medications and a balanced lifestyle.

Is it possible to enlarge Pennis without surgery?

One can enrich a diet with superfoods for this, use supplements and medications. However, there is no scientific evidence of the penis growth due to their intake.

Does watermelon make your penis bigger?

Watermelon contains certain compounds that are useful for men’s health. Still, they cannot increase the size of the organ.

How to add penis girth?

Some exercises are recommended for this, as well as certain foods and supplements. There is also a surgical procedure for this purpose.

Does oatmeal increase testosterone?

Oatmeal is rich in vitamin B6 that boosts the production of testosterone and decreases the effects of estrogens in a man’s body.

Jack Carter

Jack Carter, a dedicated expert in holistic health and wellness. With a focus on proper nutrition and natural approaches to health, Jack provides valuable insights to help you make informed choices for a healthier lifestyle.