Best Herbal Remedies for Urinary Tract Infections

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Scientists know that herbal remedies used by our ancestors can provide valuable compounds with therapeutic abilities. Natural treatment options are widely recognized and appreciated because they are considered safer than synthetic medications. In some cases, that is not completely true: herbal treatment is still treatment and should be discussed with a healthcare professional before starting. On the other hand, natural remedies can come to the rescue when strong medications are undesirable. For example, cranberry may be a better option to treat a UTI in pregnant women than antibiotics, as it will not affect the gut microbiota.

Cranberry is not the only option to address a UTI without heavy artillery. In this article, we are discussing herbal urinary care.

What are Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)

UTI is an abbreviation for “urinary tract infection”. This is a health condition characterized by the presence and growth of pathogenic microorganisms (bacteria or, sometimes, fungi) in the urinary system: kidneys, bladder, ureter, and urethra. UTIs are more common in women due to the difference in the body anatomy: AMAB persons are affected 30 times less likely.

UTIs can manifest with such symptoms:

  • an unpleasant sensation during urination (pain or burning);
  • frequent urge to urinate (although there could be little urine);
  • the urine is dark and turbid and can have traces of blood;
  • the person feels feverish or tired;
  • pain irradiating to back, lower abdomen, or pelvis.

What is Herbal Medicine

Herbal medicine is the practice of using plants and parts of them for therapy. It could be a natural supplement containing a herbal extract or a homemade remedy: tea or infusion. The goal of herbal medicine is to prevent diseases, treat them, and improve patients’ condition.

How Herbal Medicine Works

Our ancestors used plants intuitively or by knowledge passed through generations. Then, with the evolution of medicine, doctors began to describe the potential benefits and use of herbal remedies. Modern science looks at the subject from the point of an evidence-based approach: research and clinical trials tell us how natural medications work.

It has been proven that many plants used in folk medicine contain various compounds that have a beneficial effect on our health.

Popular Herbs for Treating UTIs

Natural remedies for urinary infections most often have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. Because of this, they are able to reduce pathogenic processes that occur in the urinary system and help our organisms overcome the disease and recover. In some cases, herbal medications can be a great alternative to antibiotics that is equally effective but does not affect gut health or promote antibiotic resistance.


Cranberry is a low evergreen shrub fruiting with red tart berries. The berries are edible and popular in culinary. The juice can be as a drink as is or in a mix with other components, including alcohol.

Cranberries contain many active phytochemicals:

  • terpenoids;
  • flavonoids;
  • anthocyanins;
  • catechins;
  • organic acids (citric acid, malic acid, and quinic acid, etc.).

The high amount of antioxidant components, distinctive for red berries, provides the anti-inflammatory activity of the cranberry. Its components have been studied in relation to their antiadhesive properties. It has been discovered that cranberry prevents pathogens’ fixation on the inner membranes of the urinary tract. Therefore, bacteria cannot stay and reproduce causing a disease.

The berry works well as a preventive agent: in trials, UTIs became 35% less recurrent in middle-aged women.

Bearberry (Uva Ursi)

Bearberry is one of the best natural remedies for bladder infections. The plant with the scientific name Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (uva ursi) is a woody groundcover shrub, native to the northern territories of Europe, Asia, and North America. It can also grow at high altitudes. It shares some visual similarities with cranberries which is why is also called “upland cranberry”.

The leaves of Uva Ursi are rich in arbutin—a compound with significant antimicrobial properties. In a small study of 57 women, none of the volunteers in the group that used bearberry had recurrent UTIs in a year. In the placebo control group, 5 of 27 patients had a recurrence.


Goldenseal, or orangeroot, is native to North America. The plant is known to botanists as Hydrastis canadensis L. It has a high content of the alkaloid berberine which is known to prevent the bacteria (E. coli and Proteus species) from sticking to the host cell. E.coli causes about 60% of UTIs; thus, goldenseal has a high potential for the prevention and treatment of urinary infections.


We know dandelion flowers for their cheerful yellow color and immense survival skills. Some consider its leaves a good salad ingredient. Dandelion roots contain diuretic and antimicrobial compounds. The diuretic effect helps literally wash out bacteria from the urinary tract while antimicrobial properties decrease their amount.


Many people love garlic because it adds so much taste to food. But is garlic good for a urine infection? It certainly is! Garlic contains an organosulphur substance alliin that turns into allicin when the clove is crushed or cut. It is also rich in enzymes, saponins, and flavonoids. This powerful combination boosts the immune system, so that it fights the bacteria more effectively; provides antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect.


D-mannose is not a herb, per se. It is a natural sugar that can be found in plants, such as cranberries, oranges, or apples. Those who need a natural cure for a urine infection, consume supplements containing D-mannose powder.

Although the mechanism of its action is not yet fully established, mannose is considered a good addition to the UTI treatment plan that reduces the recurrence of the infection. It is believed that this sugar decreases the adherence of certain bacteria. It can also promote the growth of positive gut microbiota which strengthens the immune system.

When to use herbal remedies

There is no proven universal anti-UTI herbal formula. However, natural remedies can do a lot of good when thoughtfully applied. In this section, we are reviewing the potential benefits of herbal medications against infectious diseases of the urinary tract. We also added some tips that, we hope, will make your treatment most effective and help you remain happy and healthy.


Prophylactic measures are always better than treatment for obvious reasons. They require less effort, and the patient avoids all the unpleasant symptoms of a fully developed disease.

As you could see from the plant descriptions, a lot of them have the ability to reduce bacteria adherence and recurrence rates of UTUs. This means that once defeating the illness with the plant or incorporating it into your diet (if possible) will reduce the risk of you contracting the disease again anytime soon.

In addition, many of the aforementioned herbal remedies support the immune system and have antioxidant effects which make your body more resistant to pathogens in the long run.

Management of symptoms

Opting for a natural medicine for urine infection can help you feel better while you are recovering. A warm drink is nice when you are sick, and a warm herbal tea is even better. It can reduce swelling and inflammation which lessens pain and fever.

Consulting with a healthcare professional

Remember what we were saying about how herbal treatment is still treatment? Bioactive phytochemicals in plants can have side effects and contraindications, and one should keep to a recommended dose to avoid negative adverse reactions.

If you suspect you have a UTI, visit a healthcare provider. Discuss options of herbal treatment with them and be sure to follow their instructions carefully. If you start taking a supplement, be sure to choose a trusted brand whose products are tested by a third-party laboratory to avoid quality issues.


Herbal remedies are an effective addition to standard UTI treatment and can even be a great alternative to antibiotics. The studies also emphasize that many natural medications were able to make urinary infections less recurrent.

The patient can use homemade herbal remedies or dietary supplements. It is important to consult a doctor before trying a new treatment method.


Which herb is good for urine infection?

Cranberries, goldenseal, Uva Ursi leaves, or dandelion roots can help treat and prevent UTIs.

What is the fastest way to cure a UTI naturally?

By using a plant with proven antimicrobial activity, such as Uva Ursi (bearberry). But you should avoid self-treatment and consult a doctor before.

What is the best natural antibiotic for a UTI?

Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, or bearberry, is a plant rich in arbutin—a compound with a strong antibiotic effect.

How did Native Americans treat UTIs?

Herbal remedies from native plants, such as goldenseal, were popular in folk medicine.

How to cure urinary tract infections naturally?

You can discuss with a doctor a treatment plan that includes herbal remedies (prepared by yourself or supplements) and D-mannose powder.

Jack Carter

Jack Carter, a dedicated expert in holistic health and wellness. With a focus on proper nutrition and natural approaches to health, Jack provides valuable insights to help you make informed choices for a healthier lifestyle.