Weak Ejaculation

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Ejaculation is not a process that is always the same. Every man experiences some changes in the semen volume or the pressure of its elimination from time to time. However, sometimes it becomes not satisfactory, influences the quality of orgasms and makes one feel worried. Let’s discuss the concept of weak ejaculation, its main causes and treatment options.

What is Weak Ejaculation

There are two situations that may be considered weak ejaculation if they persist:

  • a small volume of semen, less than 2 ml every time, even after a long period of time between orgasms;
  • a feeling of insufficient pressure and strength of the semen evacuation that may be accompanied by a less pleasurable orgasm.

As we have already mentioned, both situations may occur from time to time and there is nothing wrong with it. On average, a man ejaculates from 1.25 to 5.0 ml of semen and this quantity varies depending on numerous conditions.

Still, if one observes such symptoms regularly and gets frustrated, then it’s time to consult a doctor.

Causes of Weak Ejaculation

On the one hand, ejaculation may get weaker as a part of the normal aging process. On the other hand, it may occur because of psychological and other health issues. The following reasons are the most often encountered.


The main part of this natural process is a decrease in the male hormone levels. They are closely linked to the work of the reproductive system, including the quality of sperm, its quantity, etc. In addition, muscles of the pelvic floor also lose their strength and this contributes to the lesser force of ejaculation.

Medical conditions

Various diseases influence the ability of a man to ejaculate. Especially dangerous are those linked to the condition of blood vessels and nerves, for example, diabetes and hypertension. In this case, it is crucial to treat the initial illness properly to observe a better ejaculation.

Medications and treatments

Certain medicines are also able to influence this process, especially when they are taken on a daily basis, namely:

  • antidepressants;
  • antipsychotics;
  • medicines that decrease blood pressure like beta-blockers;
  • muscle relaxants;
  • narcotic analgesics.

The worse ejaculation may be their side effect. However, it is not a reason to stop the intake without a consultation with a doctor. After the completion of the treatment course, the situation usually improves without any additional effort.

Stress and anxiety

Another important factor for the quality of sexual life is a psychological condition. It happens that physically everything is well but the man still has trouble during intercourse. This may be due to some previous failures, overall stress, depression or anxiety. As arousal starts in the brain, all psychological issues investable lead to changes in sexual activity.

Poor nutrition

The quality and quantity of semen also depend on a diet. Men need a lot of protein-containing products such as meat and fish, eggs and seafood. They provide valuable building materials for semen. Thus, when nutrition is poor, ejaculation may get weaker.

Prostate conditions

Different diseases related to the prostate gland as well as their treatment may also have a bad impact on ejaculation. For instance, while operating the enlarged gland, some muscles and nerves may be damaged. The enlarged prostate itself may hinder the process of semen elimination. Thus, any issues in this area have some consequences on the whole reproductive system.

Signs and Symptoms

How to understand that there are some issues with the ejaculation? Keep attention to the two following facts.

Identifying weak ejaculation

Pay attention to the quantity of semen that is released. The norm states it can be up to one teaspoon and varies according to the quantity of intercourses and other reasons. Thus, if you observe only a tiny volume and this situation occurs repeatedly, then, it’s time to check what’s wrong.

Reduced sexual satisfaction

When weak ejaculation is a muscle concern, then man starts to feel the process differently. It may be hard to reach orgasm and its quality is reduced. This may not feel like something very wrong. However, if the difference between the current and previous state disturbs you, do not hesitate to consult a doctor.

Weak Ejaculation Treatment

As numerous reasons for this problem exist, the possible treatment options also vary greatly. That is why it’s so important to find out the real cause and select an adequate therapy. Some of these approaches may be combined to get a better effect but it’s better to agree on the treatment scheme with a specialist.

Stress management

Powerful and constant stress is one of the culprits of ruining the sexual life of both men and women. Therefore, if you’ve found out that its level is too high, do the following:

  • try to learn how to meditate and do this at least 5 minutes a day;
  • learn more about other mindfulness practices and incorporate them into your routine;
  • think about life-work balance and the possibility of reducing stress levels in all spheres of life.

As usual, a small stress is a good booster for the body, but when it persists, it does a lot of damage and not only to ejaculation.


There is no one medication that can treat this problem once and for all. Still, in clinical practice, doctors prescribe:

  • medicines for ED treatment like Cialis. The main idea is to make a man more confident and reduce anxiety. If the issue has a psychological nature, this approach works well;
  • testosterone and boosters of male hormone production. When a weak ejaculation appears to be a part of the aging process, then these medicines may be helpful;
  • antidepressants are also sometimes prescribed if depression or similar issues were diagnosed and may hinder ejaculation.

Thus, it may be worth trying medicinal treatment but the problem rarely lies in this area only.

Herbal remedies

One can try different supplements and herbal medicines but there is no scientific evidence of their activity. If you would like to try, select those that contain vitamins C and E, selenium and lycopene in their composition. Such supplements may have a good effect on men’s health but they require a long time of intake.


If sexual life is disturbed due to psychological issues, it is better to consult a specialist and try psychotherapy. This may be done as online counseling or offline cognitive therapy. The main aim is to identify the cause that may be of any origin – starting from work issues and ending with quarrels with the partner.

This is not a fast process but gives good results for all areas of life not only for sexual health.

Pelvic muscle exercises

Kegel exercises for pelvic floor muscles are recommended for everyone who wishes to maintain or improve sexual health and quality of sexual life. This is done as follows:

  • Sit or lie down comfortably.
  • Squeeze the muscles as if you wish to stop the urine flow. These are exactly the muscles to work with.
  • Tense these muscles while trying to keep your legs, buttocks and stomach area relaxed.
  • Try to draw these muscles slightly up.
  • Squeeze and hold them for 10 seconds and then slowly release them.

The exercise should be repeated several times per day to get an effect.


Last but not least are different lifestyle changes, useful for sexual health, namely:

  • Stick to a healthy diet. Decrease the amount of saturated fats in it and add more fruits and vegetables.
  • Avoid drinking too much alcoholic beverages and quit smoking. These habits badly influence the condition of blood vessels and contribute to the aging process.
  • Exercise regularly. There is no need to go to the gym every day or lift heavy weights. Select the type of activity you prefer, create a schedule and stick to it.
  • Have a proper night’s sleep every day. On average, one needs from 7 to 9 hours to feel refreshment and avoid major health problems.


Altogether, one should keep in mind that there are numerous reasons for weak ejaculation and sometimes it is even normal to have it. However, if the problem persists and bothers you, do not hesitate to visit a doctor, search for the real cause and get an adequate treatment. There are numerous ways to overcome this issue and make your sexual life as pleasurable as ever.


What causes a weak ejaculation?

The possible causes include the aging process, malnutrition, diseases of the prostate gland, psychological issues, intake of certain medicines and illnesses like hypertension and diabetes.

How do you fix slow ejaculation?

Regular exercising for pelvic muscle is helpful along with certain medicines and natural remedies, lifestyle changes and psychotherapy.

Can your prostate cause weak ejaculation?

This may happen when the enlarged gland hinders the normal flow of the semen. Still, during the operation, some damage may be also done to pelvic muscles and nerves causing further problems.

Does ejaculating everyday make you weaker?

No, there is no evidence of this. When ejaculation is more frequent, the quantity of semen may be slightly less. However, its quantity always varies depending on numerous conditions.

Jack Carter

Jack Carter, a dedicated expert in holistic health and wellness. With a focus on proper nutrition and natural approaches to health, Jack provides valuable insights to help you make informed choices for a healthier lifestyle.